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We Press

Philippians 3:14

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul use the metaphor pressing towards the mark. He compared it to winning a prize for reaching the goal. Life is the same, we set goals and we press towards them. Pressing involves a constant persistent application in a single area. This means that you never let up because letting up means starting all over again.

Olives were placed in a press to squeeze the oil out. The pressing continued until the oil stop flowing. We must spend less time impressing and more time pressing towards our higher calling. Impress means we move towards others. We should instead press towards glory and never let up.

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Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

(803) 478-4557


2571 Joseph-Lemon & Dingle Rd

Manning, SC 29102

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