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Deacon | Deaconess | Missionary

 Young Women Auxiliaries | Pastor’s Aid

 Decoration | Trustee | Program | Kitchen| Youth | Usher | Health

 Music | Drama |Praise | Prison | Transportation | Audio/Visual | Bicycle

Women | Prison | Mass Choir | Board of Christian Education

Praise Team Ministry

The praise team ministry is an integral part of our church. We use our talents and gifts to help set the atmosphere for the food that come before the congregation from our anointed pastor.

Our mission is to provide and promote the highest quality of Christian music that will strengthen and minister to the hearts of the saved, and penetrate the hearts of the unsaved. We are to sing uplifted songs of praises, so that our Savior, Jesus Christ will be glorified.

Contact Person: Minister Diane Haynes President

Trustee Ministry

The Trustee Ministry dedicated to the success and stewardship to the church, the local community and everyone who comes to worship with us. We welcome your prayers, your support, your input and your constructive criticism in order to improve God’s Kingdom.The Board of Trustees is the governance arm of the church leadership, and provides oversight of any church matters that have financial or legal implications.


Our mission is to provide and maintain the highest quality of care over the master’s storehouse.


Contact Person: Trustee Micheal Haynes, Chairperson


Usher Ministry

The purpose of the usher’s ministry is to prepare people for a positive worship service. The ushers at Antioch are responsible for greeting members and guest as they arrive for worship service. Antioch ushers greet everyone with warm hugs and welcoming smiles. During church services the ushers assist members and guests to their seats and facilitate the offering.


Bulletins are usually distributed by ushers at the doors of the church sanctuary. They also give assistance with church announcements.

​Deacon/Deaconesses Ministry

The deacon and deaconesses ministry are men and women who possess great spirituality, follow the visions of the church and have a heart after God.


This devoted team of men and women are the backbone for kingdom building. They support the other ministries within the church in a variety of ways. They are drawn to those who have never made a commitment to Christ and those who have become separated from him.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry’s goal is to bring children into age appropriate worship where they can grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and equip them to go out and share Christ in their everyday lives.  The Youth Ministry is comprised of the following: Youth Choir, Praise Dance Team, Saturday Bible Class, Children’s Church, and The Antioch Informer Newsletter.


Choir Practice – Tuesday before the 3rd Sunday at 6pm
Praise Dance Practice – Every other Saturday at 10am
Saturday Bible Class – 3rd Saturday 10am – 11am
Children’s Church – 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday
Antioch Informer Newsletter – Available on 3rd Sunday


Contact Person: Dian McKinney

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry's main goal is to teach and preach the good news of forgiveness and salvation to those that are incarcerated. 


Contact Person: Minister E. Jackson

Women's Ministry

The Women's ministry was created  to encourage each other in spiritual growth, education and relationships.  Spiritually discerning the season and building up the body of Christ in the home, community, and church.


They gather the third Saturday of each month at 11 AM.


Contact Person: Evangelist Shirley M. Waiters


 Mass Choir

The mission of the Mass Choir is to lift up the name of Jesus through the ministry of music that brings worshippers into the presence of God through song, praise, and worship.  The Mass Choir provides a great opportunity for those desiring to serve the Lord in a musical capacity and experience the fellowship of a loving family of believers.  The choir delivers a mixture of modern contemporary songs, traditional songs and hymns that provide a praise driven experience and creates an atmosphere that is conducive for worship.


 The Mass Choir leads the worship music during the 10 AM services as well as at other church functions. 


Choir Practice: Saturdays 9:00-11:00 AM.


Contact Persons: Pastor Sam Livingston and  Tyrone Cummings.


Board of Christian Education

The mission of the Board of Christian Education is to see that all persons become aware of God and respond in faith and love.  Through the ministry of Christian Education, which is to prepare, educate, and equip Antioch Missionary Baptist Church for holistic ministry, we will move the members forward through their spiritual growth.  The Board of Christian Education will serve the church by developing, coordinating and administering a comprehensive educational program for members and for visitors; will nurture and encourage spiritual growth of all age groups; and will provide leadership to and supervision of members and volunteers involved in this ministry. 


Click here for Ministries  under the Board of Christian Education

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

(803) 478-4557


2571 Joseph-Lemon & Dingle Rd

Manning, SC 29102

@2023 by 


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