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Board of Christian Education Ministry



Mission Statement


The mission of the Board of Christian Education is to see that all persons become aware of God and respond in faith and love.  Through the ministry of Christian Education, which is to prepare, educate, and equip Antioch Missionary Baptist Church for holistic ministry, we will move the members forward through their spiritual growth.  The Board of Christian Education will serve the church by developing, coordinating and administering a comprehensive educational program for members and for visitors; will nurture and encourage spiritual growth of all age groups; and will provide leadership to and supervision of members and volunteers involved in this ministry. 




  1. To organize, plan, and implement Christian Education through Church school, workshops, Bible study, worship, seminars,   and through any other vessel of spiritual learning that will enable individuals to grow in their understanding of the gospel and how it relates to their daily living.

  2. To equip members of all ages through learning experiences that will enable them to grow in their lives – physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually as well as spiritually.

  3. To develop, enhance, and activate programs to assist in the growth of the church. Such programs may be the following:


  • Health and Wellness Ministry              

  • Hospitality Ministry (greeters)               

  • Library Committee                                

  • New Members Class                           

  • Nursery Committee                              

  • Bike Ministry                                       

  • Scholarship Committee

  • Youth Bible Study

  •  Senior Citizen’s Program

  • Sunday School

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Technology Ministry





  1. Make spiritual growth a priority by being an active participant in Church School, Bible Study, and Worship.

  2. Coordinate and implement short and long term planning of a comprehensive and holistic ministry.

  3. Keep the congregation abreast of available educational opportunities.

  4. Become aware of and connect with organizations, persons, and resources in the congregation and community to meet various needs.    

  5. Organize and implement a plan for a community outreach ministry (Evangelism) in order to lead others to Christ.




The Christian Board of Education of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church shall be composed of the following Presidents with funding of ministries under the auspice of the church.


  1. Sunday School

  2. Youth Bible Study

  3. Health & Wellness Ministry

  4. Hospitality Ministry (greeters)

  5. Library Ministry

  6. New Members Classes

  7. Nursery Committee

  8. Scholarship Committee

  9. Senior Citizen’s Program

10. Vacation Bible School

11. Technology Ministry

12. Bike Ministry


Mission Statement – Each Ministry


Sunday School


Mission Statement

The mission of the Sunday School Ministry is to instill a deeper understanding of Christian teachings in the congregation of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church and to develop a firmer commitment to the teachings of Christ.


Youth Bible Study


Mission Statement

“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6


To teach and educate children about God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit through various activities such a memorization of scriptures, discussions, games, role-playing, prayer and the reading of God’s word, the Bible.  This will equip them with the knowledge of God that will help lead them to accept Christ as their personal savior.  This, in turn, will help guide our youth in their spiritual development, knowledge and understanding of the Bible.


Health & Wellness Ministry


Mission Statement

To preserve and promote the mission of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, this ministry endeavors to empower members to become more active in caring for their physical, mental and emotional health.


Hospitality Ministry


Mission Statement

To provide a warm and friendly greeting and a welcome packet to every visitor, creating a lasting and positive first impression of the church.


Library Ministry


Mission Statement

To provide Christian books and resource material for use by the congregation to promote personal, family and group study that will enhance spiritual growth.


New Members Classes


Mission Statement

The New Members Classes will focus on discussions of Baptist traditions, theology and spiritual growth issues for new members.  The New Members’ Classes promotes Christian fellowship and support among the congregation.  In this regard, the members are encouraged to consider joining one or more of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church ministries.  The New Members Committee develops and carries on a program that will minister to new members and encourage them to support and participate in the total ministry of the Church.


Nursery Committee


Mission Statement

To provide a safe and healthy environment for all children within a certain age (to be determined) during Sunday morning worship service whereby parents are able to enjoy the divine service with the knowledge that their children are in the Christian environment of the Church Nursery.


Scholarship Committee


Mission Statement

The Scholarship Committee provides administrative oversight, program coordination, and ongoing leadership in the decision-making for the scholarship program.  The Scholarship Committee is responsible for reviewing applications



and supporting materials and for making recommendations to the Pastor.  They are also responsible for developing recommendations for guidelines and policy for consideration relating to scholarship awards.


Senior Citizen’s Program


Mission Statement

To provide the Senior Citizens of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church with activities for social, physical, and spiritual growth and outlets to enhance their quality of life.


Vacation Bible School


Mission Statement

The Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an extension of our Sunday School and is designed to enhance spiritual awareness and Biblical knowledge for all ages.  The VBS Committee coordinates and executes policy for a summer program  incorporating Bible stories, crafts, games, etc.  VBS classes are held for youth and adults.


Technology Ministry


Mission Statement

To educate members of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church on the use of the latest technology and technology software through computer classes, seminars, and demonstrations.


Bike Ministry


Mission Statement

Through the Bike Ministry, we are able to develop a feeling of spirituality, fellowship, and a healthy lifestyle through continuous exercising.  Together, we are working to facilitate adventure, freedom and hope to those that need it through cycling.  In this process, we aim to promote further understanding of the Lord, Jesus Christ and his Kingdom.



Working to facilitate adventure, freedom, and hope, through the gateway of cycling, to those that need it most.  In this process we aim facilitate personal achievement, responsibility, and life giving alternatives to the pitfall of growing up in a challenging content through the introduction of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom.

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

(803) 478-4557


2571 Joseph-Lemon & Dingle Rd

Manning, SC 29102

@2023 by 


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