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About us

Church History

Reverend Peter Pringle worshiped at a place called “Bush Harbor” in 1855 where they gathered for prayer meetings and preaching.  Later they build a small church and named it Mt. Chapel. 


In the late 1880’s, Reverend Pringle, along with Reverend Charlie Weston, Pastor branched out from Mt. Chapel and built other small churches.  In 1887 one was called Antioch (Negro Baptist) Church located two miles southwest of the Jordan community on a farm road under a Bush Arbor. 


One acre of land was surveyed on May 11, 1900 and signed by Trustees Aleck Fischer, Samuel Robinson, Jasper Robinson, William York, Shulie Pringle, Charlie Martin, Willie Pringle, Johnson Pringle, and Alex Johnson. 

There is something about the name “Antioch”.  The Bible and the Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.  Reverend Pringle preached “The Word of God” for many years at Antioch.


The following Pastors served at this great church: Reverend Mingo; Reverend Clark; Reverend Franklin; Reverend Weston; Reverend T.O. Everett; Reverend Durant; Reverend Jeremiah Witherspoon; Reverend Jarvis; Reverend Stallings; Reverend Simon McKinney; Reverend Tindal; Reverend S. W. Whack, Sr; Reverend Jerial M. Dingle; Reverend Antonio K. Lee.


Reverend T.O. Everett and Reverend S.W. Whack served for the longest periods of time.  Reverend Whack was the spiritual leader for 35 years.  The Charge of Elder was given to him on February 9, 1967 by Pastor Bobby McDonald of Briggs Chapel Baptist of the Church.  Under the leadership of Reverend Whack, Antioch was rebuilt in 1970; most of the work was done by he and Reverend O’Donald Dingle.  The cornerstone was laid in July 1971.


How well do we remember our original church with its squeaking floors, lantern lighting, and well water, outside toilets and outside pool for baptism, a bell that tolled when there was a death or sickness in the community because we had no telephones to communicate.


Under the leadership of Reverend Dingle, the church was remodeled in 2001.  The dedication service was held November 14, 2001.  Reverend Dingle was the leader for five years, but ministered at Antioch for 17 years under the leadership of Reverend Whack.


Reverend Antonio K. Lee’s Installation Service was held on February 29, 2004.  The Installation Message was delivered by Pastor Clyde Tate of Antioch Baptist Church of Mississippi. 


Reverend Sam Livingston, Sr. is the present Pastor.  His Installation Service was held on November 25, 2007.  The Installation Message was delivered by Reverend Dr. Howard D. David of Mt. Sinai Baptist church, Georgetown, South Carolina; Act of Installation and Charge by Reverend Dr. James Blassingame of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church and Moderate, Sumter Baptist M & E Association.  The Charge To Pastor by Dr. M. H. Newton, Pastor of Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church and Moderate Emeritus, Sumter Baptist M & E Association, Sumter, South Carolina.  The Charge to the Church was delivered by Reverend Dr. W. T. Johnson, Pastor of Taw Caw Baptist Church, Summerton, South Carolina and Vice Moderate, Sumer Baptist M & E. Association.


We are extremely happy today to have Pastor Livingston as our Spiritual Leader.  In addition to the many blessings God has bestowed upon us under Pastor Livingston’s leadership, God has allowed us to expand or ministry with the acquisition of land.  On this land, Antioch expands its ministry to further service its community.  Antioch Missionary Baptist Church now entails beautiful grounds with two buildings and a parsonage.  God has continued to bless Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.  Again, “To God Be The Glory”.


We have had a number of Associate Ministers that branched out from Antioch and are now preaching and teaching God’s Word throughout South Carolina.  To name a few: Reverend O’Donald Dingle; Minister Charlie Pearson, Jr.; Evangelist Ola Whack; Minister Cheryl Graham; Minister Donald Graham; Minister Billy Graham; Reverend Sam Whack, Jr.; and minister Warren Pierce.


Our first Deacons and Trustees were Fred McKinney, Frank Rheames, Charlie Pearson, Jasper Robinson, June Canty, Zero Jones, Chick McCullen, James L. Miller, Sr., Johnson Pringle, William “Bill” York, Willis Johnson, Aleck Fischer, Samuel Robinson, Shulie Pringle, Charlie Martin, Willis Pringle, Alex Johnson, James Robinson, Ruben Clark, Irving Clark, just to name a few.


Later years, Deacons Joseph Lemon, Jackson McKinney, Warren Pierce, Russell A. Miller, Henry Cubbage, Rufus Stukes, Jr., and Floyd Blackwell, Sr. were installed.



​Antioch is affiliated with Sumter Baptist M & E Association, South Jordan River Union, and South Baptist Congress of Christian Education.


The Church printed its first Newsletter “The Antioch Informer” in January 1999.  Antioch was the featured church in the November issue of “Good News on the Wings of a Dove.”




our church officers:


Sam Livingston, Sr.



​Associate Ministers

Evangelist Shirley Waiters
Minister Eloise Jackson
Minister Dian Haynes
Minister Loretta Briggs





Deacon Henry Cubbage, Chairman
Deacon Clarence Cummings
Deacon John Billups
Deacon Eddie Cantey
Deacon John P. Clark
Deacon David Miller
Deacon Russell Miller
Deacon Howard Powell
Deacon Rufus Stukes





Brother Michael Haynes, Chairman
Brother Franklin Briggs
Brother Marvin Bosier
Sister Recea Cantey
Brother Shadrack Cantey
Brother Timothy Hilliard
Brother Alexander House
Brother Robert House
Brother Johnny Levy
Broher Willie Montgomery
Brother Jermaine Motley
Brother Charlie Stukes

Church Clerk

Sister Lillie Williams


Christian Education Chairperson

Deaconess Mable Billups


Youth Director
Sis Dian McKinney

Sunday Church School Superintendent

Deacon Eddie Cantey​


Financial Secretary

Sister Recea Cantey



Brother Robert House​



Brother Shadrack Cantey



Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

(803) 478-4557


2571 Joseph-Lemon & Dingle Rd

Manning, SC 29102

@2023 by 


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