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Welcome to

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

A Place of Healing, Salvation, and Miracles.




Reverend Peter Pringle worshipped at a place called “Bush Harbor” in 1855 where they gathered for prayer meetings and preaching.  Later they build a small church and named it Mt. Chapel. 


In the late 1880’s, Reverend Pringle, along with Reverend Charlie Weston, Pastor branched out from Mt. Chapel and built other small churches.  In 1887 one was called Antioch (Negro Baptist) Church located two miles southwest of the Jordan community on a farm road under a Bush Arbor. 


One acre of land was surveyed on May 11, 1900 and signed by Trustees Aleck Fischer, Samuel Robinson, Jasper Robinson, William York, Shulie Pringle, Charlie Martin, Willie Pringle, Johnson Pringle, and Alex Johnson. 


There is something about the name “Antioch”.  The Bible and the Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.  Reverend Pringle preached “The Word of God” for many years at Antioch.


“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 

2 Corinthians 9:7

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As believers, church attendance is of high importance. It is a place we can all come together to worship, be encouraged, and learn from God's words for spiritual growth.






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Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

(803) 478-4557


2571 Joseph-Lemon & Dingle Rd

Manning, SC 29102

@2023 by 


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